Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Supplant the Transplants...xoxo

ssentially, there is very little merit to my rants about the pit-falls of an Upper East Sider, and the detailed minutia of every observation I can make about why anyone should care in the slightest whether or not the social fabric of New York City as a whole seems to be unraveling. However, if they can devote hours upon hours about caviar-covered vision of my world in a show like Gossip Girl, there has to me some amount of justification for my commentary on New York, and its society at large.

While it would seem clear that most of those who might fancy themselves an intellectual would only reference a television show to serve as an obvious indication of some societal malady, I am using it simply to illustrate the amount of interest and intrigue that has surrounded the mythology of my fair city since the dawn of the industrial age. To put it more bluntly, Manhattan is a highly mythologized environment, and as a traveled explorer of such a jungle, I believe there might be SOME interest in my view of the lay of the land. That being said, there is a certain irony involved in the idea that it is this magnifying glass pointed toward New York, that has rendered it on the brink of unlivable for those life-long inhabitants who deign to freely roam the streets.

Stop sweating our city! We already gave up the deuce to Disney, and I'm not about to stand idly by and watch the rest of Manhattan become some watered-down vision of what was once the greatest civilization on the planet. You can have Murray Hill, we'll give you the Meat-packing (it wreaks of rotting carcasses), but if you expect to take the whole of the Upper East Side (with exception to Park and Fifth, because you obviously cannot afford it) and the Upper West and the LES without a fight, you are sorely mistaken. This is my battle cry, for better or worse. GET OFF MY LAND! Or at least walk a little softer and stop acting like you own the joint, when you just finished signing your first one-year lease on a walk-up...

That being said, who, if not me, who else has the testicular fortitude AND the license to pick apart the social nuances of New York City?

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