Monday, April 7, 2008

Blogging is for ...

...people with too much time on their hands, losers, shut-ins, aspiring _______ , anyone with half a brain and a whole lot of opinions, and me, a castaway of the magazine world, underfunded, underwhelmed and overpaid. I'm gonna set this off by a classic rant about how nobody really cares about what you think, or what you are TRYING to convey on your lowly blog, so lets get down to brass tax and admit, its a great form of mental masturbation and a way for your friends to see it and say, "hey maybe he's not as dumb as he seems when i see him leaning against a wall, shit-faced trying to complete a grammatically correct sentence." basically, its all about proving to whoever you need to prove it to, that you have a viewpoint, and or something to say about something.

let's get convoluted, and keep it funky.

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