Friday, October 3, 2008

back into the trenches of society...

I have come to the realization that while i would love to be rich, or at least well off on my own in the world of poseurs and priests, I will forever remain fascinated with the fringes of society. The idea of being sequestered in some fortified office building, sheltered from the huddled masses, and then whisked away into the quiet night to a secluded suburban community of drones, I just don't think I'm cut out for that American nightmare. In fact, I would say that it is within that bottled up homogeny that I am most anxious, where i would venture to say the average person constantly edgy when put into my confines on the hallowed New York City streets. This is NOT to say that i am by any means some sort of bohemian street urchin, looking for a hand out or a free ride. My whole existence thus far has been rather charmed in all honesty, except for a few minor discrepancies and a few earth shattering falls from grace. It more that despite any heeled or toad upbringing, i have always found solace in the frenetic insanity of the city streets - my creative mind spring has always been fed by the Hudson river. Lest i ramble on for another fortnight with vicissitudes of vocabulary and arrogant assumptions, i will end this thought- move on to the next, as i usually do and continue to pontificate as to where my veracious verbosity might lead me astray the next time??

Monday, September 15, 2008

Standing on a popular pulpit...

tired of serving the servants to our corporate culture of conspicuous consumption and disgusted by the deluge of mediocrity being passed-off as genuine prose, i have decided to leap back into the shallow shark-tank head-first, so as to make maximum impact - or at best manage to decapitate or dismember myself on the way into this media circus.

Writing was always a labor for me in my early years, but after years in the trenches of a pinko progressive education i realized that i had mistakenly become somewhat or a warrior poet; a genuine incarnation of some dead Greek poet, or at least one capable of expressing myself in words without weighing them down with the rules and maxims of language that create the barriers between what we say and what we mean. I write what i mean, however based on fact or farce it may be is up to the reader, but it is hard to deny the fact that i have a voice - a voice that tends to have the subtly of a velvet hammer. That being said, why not pawn off this crafted ability to mix words as a marketable skill? Why cant i make a few shekels for my eloquent use of literary diction, or the simple fact that i can speak on anything, even if i hardly know what I'm talking about?

In this day of the inter-web and technological extensions of the body and mind, i believe the information is utterly accessible, all that's needed is a proper wordsmith to craft it into something worth reading - worth taking the time in your work-a-day world to absorb, maybe even enjoy...

Let me be this cultural attache, this warrior of decent and deranged culture, this minister of information, a priest of the populus.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Supplant the Transplants...xoxo

ssentially, there is very little merit to my rants about the pit-falls of an Upper East Sider, and the detailed minutia of every observation I can make about why anyone should care in the slightest whether or not the social fabric of New York City as a whole seems to be unraveling. However, if they can devote hours upon hours about caviar-covered vision of my world in a show like Gossip Girl, there has to me some amount of justification for my commentary on New York, and its society at large.

While it would seem clear that most of those who might fancy themselves an intellectual would only reference a television show to serve as an obvious indication of some societal malady, I am using it simply to illustrate the amount of interest and intrigue that has surrounded the mythology of my fair city since the dawn of the industrial age. To put it more bluntly, Manhattan is a highly mythologized environment, and as a traveled explorer of such a jungle, I believe there might be SOME interest in my view of the lay of the land. That being said, there is a certain irony involved in the idea that it is this magnifying glass pointed toward New York, that has rendered it on the brink of unlivable for those life-long inhabitants who deign to freely roam the streets.

Stop sweating our city! We already gave up the deuce to Disney, and I'm not about to stand idly by and watch the rest of Manhattan become some watered-down vision of what was once the greatest civilization on the planet. You can have Murray Hill, we'll give you the Meat-packing (it wreaks of rotting carcasses), but if you expect to take the whole of the Upper East Side (with exception to Park and Fifth, because you obviously cannot afford it) and the Upper West and the LES without a fight, you are sorely mistaken. This is my battle cry, for better or worse. GET OFF MY LAND! Or at least walk a little softer and stop acting like you own the joint, when you just finished signing your first one-year lease on a walk-up...

That being said, who, if not me, who else has the testicular fortitude AND the license to pick apart the social nuances of New York City?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

To all my debbie's and dillitants...

I think my rambling and rabble-rousing is cathartic; a way to air some grievances, compose some marginally valid thoughts, and limit my outbreaks of terror in the streets of New York. The way I see it, it's a win-win situation regardless of whether or not anyone actually proscribes to my medicine.
Writing shouldn't be overly laborious (excuse the verbosity), unless you happen to be writing a thorough analysis and corporate history of an airline or something. I would imagine that is one of the reasons a blog is an attractive outlet to the out-spoken and aroused clients of the computer class. I think aroused definitely being a proper (pointed) word choice for a medium (the Internet) whose roots and will always be linked to the porno industry, just like the advent of VHS. Moving on, what is so perplexing to me is the drivel you find on the net that's so brazenly overworked and overstated that it seems almost embarrassing. I mean, you're writing a BLOG, not a manifesto, or a treatise, it's not a BOOK. I think it's ridiculous that people don''t take int0 account their medium, and it's inherent values and advantages, as well as the way it should be approached. When you are painting a picture, is your first thought to cover yourself in semi-gloss and writhe around on an 8 x 8 canvas , of do you get some brushes, a canvas and start applying paint to the surface? Essentially, why don't people realize their audience before they compile page upon confounding page of pseudo intellectual or pompous drivel , without an utterance of some bit of wit or guile, or maybe ever some fucking humor, luckily, a victim-less crime. I might even look the part, but at least my brand of drivel comes straight off-the-cuff; UN-edited and UN-fettered for the sheer purpose of making myself laugh. Because, after-all, who's ACTUALLY reading your blog? I mean, seriously...
r.i.p . V.H.S.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

New York is...

...all i know, for the most part. The object of my affection and the source of my abundance of nervous energy. As a native, a REAL native, NOT a long-term transplant, a product of the sub-urbs, a poser, a out-of-towner or a malcontent hipster...all of these things are both the bane of my existence and the source of my environment's influx of wealth and prosperity. THIS, is the crux of my species' (manhattanite) paradox...we get priced out of our own neighborhoods, over-looked for jobs because we have no desire to mearly subsist or be used and taken advantage of by the older generations of New Yorkers, who, in their infinite wisdom have decided that you can have two overly eager transplants do the job of a savvy, over-achieving New Yorker for half the price. YET, our city continues to prosper at a staggering rate and the development of previously ignored or unknown territories (LES, Murray Hill, Hell's Kitchen, Harlem, etc.) seems to have no clear end in sight. Our habitat has evolved greatly from the crack infested cesspool that we grew up in, but at what cost? What has transpired in the time New York City has seen this great and visible transformation?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Blogging is for ...

...people with too much time on their hands, losers, shut-ins, aspiring _______ , anyone with half a brain and a whole lot of opinions, and me, a castaway of the magazine world, underfunded, underwhelmed and overpaid. I'm gonna set this off by a classic rant about how nobody really cares about what you think, or what you are TRYING to convey on your lowly blog, so lets get down to brass tax and admit, its a great form of mental masturbation and a way for your friends to see it and say, "hey maybe he's not as dumb as he seems when i see him leaning against a wall, shit-faced trying to complete a grammatically correct sentence." basically, its all about proving to whoever you need to prove it to, that you have a viewpoint, and or something to say about something.

let's get convoluted, and keep it funky.

Funk in the trunk